NetWare and eDirectory Utilities

Written and Uploaded
by Wolfgang Schreiber

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Q: "I have found a problem in your software. How can I tell you about it?"
Q: "But I need my problem fixed! Can I pay you to fix it?"
  • Yes. My tools get worked on in my spare time, between paid work, which means that development might not be as fast as you like. If you really want something fixed, you can jump it up my priority list by waving money at me. Best thing to do is to contact me and we can talk about rates and so on.
Q: "Cool tools - May I include some of them on a commercial CD or on my website?"
  • You may publish files from this site on other media or websites, if
    • you send a note about the intended usage to the author, and
    • you publish a link to together with the file and descriptions.
Q: "Most of your cool tools are free - how do you make your money?"
  • Well, I do have a decent job - if you like my free tools and feel you owe me something, buy one of my commercial tools, or use my Amazon links; Amazon pays me a small provision if you make a purchase through this link - then I can buy some bread for my kids.
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Tip/Einsicht/Zitat des Tages:

  • [231/307]: Nostalgie ist die Fähigkeit, über das zu trauern, dass es nicht mehr so ist, wie es früher auch nicht war