2005-09 |
| Utility to find and/or replace Strings in text files
Change.exe allows you to do bulk changes in single or multiple files. You can do search and replace, automatic or interactive, and apply various include/exclude criteria. |
Public Domain Donate with Paypal
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Written by Wolfgang Schreiber
2013-01 |
| Win32 Tool to send GroupWise Messages from Command Line or Batch Files
GWSend v1.66 allows you to send messages using basic Groupwise options, e.g. filling the recipient list, adding attachments, specifying user names, etc. Since GWSend is a Win32 console application, it can be used as a tool to send GW messages from the command line or from batch files. New: Delphi source |
Free Shareware Donate with Paypal
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Written by Wolfgang Schreiber
2001-10 |
| Utility to monitor local IP traffic on LAN board
This is a a simple monitor tool to graphically display local I/O-traffic. You will need IPHLPAPI.dll to run this utility - this DLL typically comes with Win2k, Win98, or with some service packs for older Win32 versions. |
Public Domain Donate with Paypal
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Written by Wolfgang Schreiber
2009-10 |
| DLL converting NetWare Error Codes into Error Strings
This is an optional (strongly suggested) helper DLL that some of the other tools on this page rely on to display meaningful NetWare error messages instead of cryptic error codes. To avoid duplicate downloads, this is available separately.�Store it - just like any other DLL - in the application directory, or in your Windows or Windows system directory - Info for developers included (Source Code) |
Public Domain Donate with Paypal
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Written by Wolfgang Schreiber
2009-10 |
| Utility to convert NetWare Error Codes into Error Strings
This is a a simple interface into NWErr32.dll where the real translation is done. Use this tool to translate any existing NetWare error code into an error string. Update: new error codes added. |
Public Domain Donate with Paypal
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Written by Wolfgang Schreiber Requires: NWErr32.dll (see details) |
2000-04 |
| Win95 Tool for Changing the Name in the GUI Login
RegUser will store the specified (or an empty) string in the registry and Login.Exe will display this name at the next login time. Useful for environments with changing users at the same workstation. RegUser.exe may be stored in the AutoStart folder to be executed every time when Win95 restarts. |
Public Domain Donate with Paypal
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Written by Wolfgang Schreiber
2001-04 |
| Win32 Command Line Tool to Change Windows Capture Settings for NetWare
While DOS capture settings (like banner, form feed, etc) are configurable through NetWare's CAPTURE.EXE, the Windows capture settings are defined in the Registry. You can use the Client32 'Properties' menu to view and change the settings, or you can use this command line tool which has similar options as CAPTURE.EXE |
Public Domain Donate with Paypal
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Written by Wolfgang Schreiber Requires: NetWare Client32 |
2002-03 |
| Win32 tool to close any application that has visible or invisible windows
When called without command line options, WinClose will display a hierarchical list of windows of your current Win environment. When called with the title of a window as command line option, WinClose will close that application and terminate. |
Public Domain Donate with Paypal
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Written by Wolfgang Schreiber